Friday, May 22, 2009

Tedius steps!

So! A blog you say!? Well, here it is! I'm tired of discussing my various anguishes with myself! So I have, on the spur of the Rum and Coke, decided to discuss it with the anonymous expanse of the blogosphere... trepidations aside. This will be a blog of impulse! A blog of random machinations! A blog of liberal exclamation mark use! In short - a blog of self indulgence. I am unconcerned with the reader. I am unconcerned with any form of third party interpretation. I am only concerned with my own satisfaction. And that is to finally place my own, most probably unoriginal and meaningless feelings in some concrete, public (yet blissfully anonymous) forum: the cloud of storming whispers that is blog spot.

Herein I briefly describe myself and my aims (!) : I am generally a guarded, introverted personality. I hold my more vicious (and they are always vicious) opinions of anything I encounter, and offer only passive comments to those people who are involved in my real life. I have found, in recent years, that this only leads to a bitter, harsh and possibly sociopathic outlook on daily life. I find myself constantly recluse, repulsed and retracted from/by society and social situation. This, obviously, is no way to integrate with the "world at large." And so, this blog, to hopefully release these anguished thoughts of mine during times of extreme stress and/or inebriation, as felt during the current situation. I fickley apologise for my verbosity, presumption and any lack of interest that may be generated on the reading of this blog, but in all honesty and sincerity: Fuck you. This is for me. It will continue to be until such time as I lose interest or feel that my... feelings have been released to an acceptable extent. For those imaginary readers that I see continuing past this point: good luck, and I hope to high hell you aren't anybody that I know.

Random thought of the day: Gin and Orange juice do not good bedfellows make.

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